Date picker

Date pickers are used to select or edit dates and display date related information. Date pickers can be used both as an expandable element when clicked, or by having the calendar part always visible. Read more about date pickers in the UX Guidelines.

Use when

  • To display date related information
  • The user needs to select a date
  • The user needs to edit a date


On this page you can find multiple types of date picker VUE.js component and the style variants:

With input

An input with a simple dropdown/modal for selecting a date. Follow the code examplefrom below to get this date picker.

<div id="app"> <section> <b-field class="form-group" label="Select a date" label-for="datepicker-exemple"> <b-datepicker id="datepicker-exemple1" v-model="date" ref="datepicker" placeholder="Select a date" icon="calendar" :years-range="[-100, 100]" :first-day-of-week="1" :nearby-selectable-month-days=true :month-names="month_names" :day-names="day_names" :show-week-number="showWeekNumber" :unselectable-days-of-week="[0, 6]" :close-on-click="false" editable expanded> <button class="btn btn-today" @click="date=new Date()"> Today </button> <button class="btn btn-clear" @click="date=null"> Clear </button> </b-datepicker> </b-field> </section> </div> <script> const example = { data() { const today = new Date() return { date: undefined, locale: undefined, // other options: 'en-GB' (for dd/mm/yyyy), 'en-CA' (for yyyy/mm/dd), 'en-US' (for mm/dd/yyyy), etc. month_names: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sept', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'], day_names: ['Su', 'Mo', 'Tu', 'We', 'Th', 'Fr', 'Sa'] } } } const app = new Vue(example) app.$mount('#app') </script>

Inline date picker - one selection

This date picker can also be shown inline with the inline prop, input is removed. For this example you can seledct only one date. Follow the code example from below to get this date picker.

<div id="app"> <b-datepicker v-model="date" inline :years-range="[-100, 100]" :first-day-of-week="1" :focused-date="date" :nearby-selectable-month-days=true :month-names="month_names" :day-names="day_names" :unselectable-days-of-week="[0, 6]" :show-week-number="showWeekNumber"> </b-datepicker> </div> <script> const example = { data() { const today = new Date() return { date: undefined, locale: undefined, // other options: 'en-GB' (for dd/mm/yyyy), 'en-CA' (for yyyy/mm/dd), 'en-US' (for mm/dd/yyyy), etc. month_names: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sept', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'], day_names: ['Su', 'Mo', 'Tu', 'We', 'Th', 'Fr', 'Sa'] } } } const app = new Vue(example) app.$mount('#app') </script>

Inline date picker - range selection

For this example you can select a range of dates, it's an inline example, without an input. Follow the code example from below to get this date picker.

<div id="app"> <b-datepicker v-model="date" inline range :years-range="[-100, 100]" :first-day-of-week="1" :focused-date="date" :nearby-selectable-month-days=true :month-names="month_names" :day-names="day_names" :unselectable-days-of-week="[0, 6]" :show-week-number="showWeekNumber"> </b-datepicker> </div> <script> const example = { data() { const today = new Date() return { date: undefined, locale: undefined, // other options: 'en-GB' (for dd/mm/yyyy), 'en-CA' (for yyyy/mm/dd), 'en-US' (for mm/dd/yyyy), etc. month_names: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sept', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'], day_names: ['Su', 'Mo', 'Tu', 'We', 'Th', 'Fr', 'Sa'] } } } const app = new Vue(example) app.$mount('#app') </script>

Date picker with range selection and input

For this example you can select a range of dates that will be displayed in the input. Follow the code example from below to get this date picker.

<div id="app"> <section> <b-field class="form-group" label="Select a date" label-for="datepicker-exemple"> <b-datepicker v-model="date" ref="datepicker" icon="calendar" id="datepicker-exemple" placeholder="Select a date" range expanded editable :years-range="[-100, 100]" :first-day-of-week="1" :focused-date="date" :nearby-selectable-month-days=true :month-names="month_names" :day-names="day_names" :unselectable-days-of-week="[0, 6]" :close-on-click="false" :show-week-number="showWeekNumber"> </b-datepicker> </b-field> </section> </div> <script> const example = { data() { const today = new Date() return { date: undefined, locale: undefined, // other options: 'en-GB' (for dd/mm/yyyy), 'en-CA' (for yyyy/mm/dd), 'en-US' (for mm/dd/yyyy), etc. month_names: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sept', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'], day_names: ['Su', 'Mo', 'Tu', 'We', 'Th', 'Fr', 'Sa'] } } } const app = new Vue(example) app.$mount('#app') </script>

Month and year selection

<div id="app"> <b-field label="Select month and year" class="form-group month-picker" label-for="datepicker-exemple"> <b-datepicker id="datepicker-exemple" type="month" editable placeholder="Select month and year..." :month-names="month_names" :close-on-click="false" icon="calendar" </b-datepicker> </b-field> </div> <script> const example = { data() { const today = new Date() return { month_names: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sept', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'], } } } const app = new Vue(example) app.$mount('#app') </script>

Date picker variants

Date picker with fill cell and square borders for the calendar cells

Add .datepicker-square to the date picker wrapper.

or inline:
<div id="app"> <b-field label="Select a date" class="form-group datepicker-square" label-for="datepicker-exemple"> <b-datepicker ... </b-datepicker> </b-field> </div> or <div id="app"> <b-datepicker class="datepicker-square" ... </b-datepicker> </div>

Date picker with only stroke cell and round borders for the calendar cells

Add .datepicker-stroke to the date picker wrapper.

<div id="app"> <b-field label="Select a date" class="form-group datepicker-stroke" label-for="datepicker-exemple"> <b-datepicker ... </b-datepicker> </b-field> </div> or <div id="app"> <b-datepicker class="datepicker-stroke" ... </b-datepicker> </div>

Date picker with only stroke cell and square borders for the calendar cells

Add .datepicker-stroke and .datepicker-square to the date picker wrapper.

<div id="app"> <b-field label="Select a date" class="form-group datepicker-square datepicker-stroke" label-for="datepicker-exemple"> <b-datepicker ... </b-datepicker> </b-field> </div> or <div id="app"> <b-datepicker class="datepicker-square datepicker-stroke" ... </b-datepicker> </div>